Sunday, March 29, 2015

A life without trees

Imagine a life without trees. I know, it's too sad to think about it, but imagining something is gone will only make us appreciate it more. We wouldn't be able to sit in the shade. We couldn't climb them to pick the perfect apple. We could no longer take a walk in the woods. No more bonfires to sit around. No more watching the leaves change color. No more listening to the branches blowing in the wind. No more maple syrup for our pancakes. No more pine scent from a real pine tree. No place for birds to perch. landscapes would look bare. No more fruit or nuts to eat. How would we ever know what season it is? The water and air we breathe would be polluted. They provide oxygen...

Wood you believe we get so much from trees?

dye, piano keys, rayon, books, fishing floats, inks, telephone books, varnish, atlases and maps, price tags, ping pong balls, tires, umbrella handles, walking sticks, signs, automobile instrument panels, space craft reentry shields, newspapers, photographic film, posters, football helmets, toilet seats, guitars, road building materials, insulation, shatterproof glass, artificial vanilla flavoring, cork, vacuum bags, movies, stadium seats, adhesive, decorations, turpentine, camphor, waxes, fireworks, crayons, tannin, charcoal, pine oil, pitch, musical instruments, toilet paper, milk cartons, flooring, bark for landscaping, cardboard, grocery bags, furniture, chewing gum, paper towel, oil spill control agents, christmas trees, hockey sticks, wildlife habitat, cosmetics, roofs, baby food, cider, vitamins, cooking utensils, lacquer, pallets, rubber gloves, mulch, clean water, golf tees, egg cartons, nail polish, fence post, toys, toothpaste, eyeglass frames, shampoo, menthol, electrical outlets, plates and bowls, sausage casing, rulers, wooden blocks, houses, medicine, notebook paper, oars, plywood, paper plates, computer casing, stain remover, coffee filters, toothpicks, diapers, particle board, sponge, bowing ally lanes, fruit pie filling, golf balls, pencils, drywall, baseball bats, lumber, railroad ties, stamps, stairways, axe handles, barrels, cutting boards, church pews, totem poles, desks, fishing boats, window frames, food labels, step ladders...    

                                                  How many tree products can you list?



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