Thursday, March 26, 2015


I often have very vivid dreams, so vivid at times I wake up in a panic. It makes me wonder if our dreams are really trying to tell us something. I have two dream books that I use to try an analyze my dreams. I use two because I don't want any contradictions. I know most people think they are just a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but I don't think the messages in our dreams are sent to us from a higher power or some spiritual place. I believe it's our own subconscious mind trying to tell us something. Most of the time these messages don't become clear to me until months later. That's why when people tell me not to over think things, I usually do the opposite because the messages become clear to me over time. I guess you could compare it to a person of faith that prays about things to get the answers they need.

Most of the dreams really have the opposite meaning of what I originally think they mean. For example, having a dream you are pregnant doesn't mean you will be expecting a baby soon. It means your life will be starting a new beginning, or you should start thinking about starting over in some area in your life that isn't working out for you. A chance to start over with a new partner, a new job, or maybe moving to a new location. But what about those people that don't remember their dreams? Well, I think that most of us have daydreams or premonitions that we out right ignore because we are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. I think of it as my problem solving time, and I often get caught zoning out to think about things during my day.

I had this reoccurring dream for the past 20 years that I was back in High School, and I was wandering the hallways looking for my classes. I was walking in circles, and always ended up at my locker. I never could find any of my classes every time I had that dream. Not much different from when I was in school only I was ditching those classes. When I looked it up in my dream book it said; " I have a thirst for knowledge." Maybe my subconscious mind was trying to tell me I should have taken school more seriously. I haven't had that dream in a long time. Do you think I finally earned that High School diploma?


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