Sunday, July 24, 2016

Attention Seekers

What has made us all such big attention seekers? I know that technology has made it easier to get attention, but what is it about ourselves that makes us think that to be significant in life we must receive a lot of it? Yes, there are career choices that demand we seek attention to sell whatever it is we are selling, but on a personal level are we just looking for validation or acceptance? Sure, I suppose so, and what other way to get it than on social media sites?

Sometimes when I'm scrolling through my social news feed I come across the same serial attention seekers who are clearly self absorbed. One in particular who seems to need this self validation everyday. I get the bragging about our children, I'm very proud of mine as well, but the self promotion kind of comes across as desperation. Does convincing others that our life is so perfect, really make it perfect? I know my life isn't always fun and games. Does it make me an attention seeker if I post about my miserable day at work? Sure, I want people to sympathize with me. Tell me what a jerk that customer was to me.

Then there is the profile pic that we never seem to be completely happy with, and use filters to make us look...well, not our true selves. I rarely take a good picture. People say I'm photogenic, but what they don't know is how many pics I've taken before I am completely satisfied with the one that makes the cut to be my profile pic. And god forbid friends tag me in a "unapproved" pic. I have my "pre-approved" setting on for all tagged photo's. You know damn well they picked a photo that made them look good, and you with red eye or your mouth wide open. I guess you could say I write Blogs to get attention. Did I get yours? Like it!

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