Sunday, July 19, 2015

Knowing When To Call It Quits

I once knew a couple who always fought in public. I could never understand why most of these disagreements couldn't wait until they were at home, or why they even felt the need to have them in public. Everyone feels uncomfortable being around such couples, and their time out together couldn't have been much fun for them either. I'm thinking maybe they want other peoples opinions on whatever it is they were disagreeing about, but most of the disagreements were just putting each other down, which I will not take part in.

Why do some couples stay together if they can't come to a mutual agreement on things, or at least agree to disagree. Do they like having such drama in their lives, or are they just too afraid to face the fact that they are all wrong for each other? I am no stranger to this behavior. This is what finally ended my relationship with my ex-husband. We didn't fight in public, but in the end we disagreed on everything we once agreed on, or at least compromised on in the past. Calling it quits is hard for some couples, and we were definitely one of them.

If you are married you do everything possible to make it work, but if you have children, and you fight constantly, it is not a good way to show them how relationships work. I often wonder if there is anything these couples can do to make it work when one is not willing to be wrong once in awhile. Relationships can get old and repetitious. You can grow apart, and in some cases you subconsciously don't want them to work so you sabotage them by picking fights because you don't want to be the one to end them. I say if you are unhappy in your relationship it's time to call it quits. Hopefully it's something you both can agree on.


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