I know I'm older and wiser than I was 20 years ago, but there is one thing on my list I'm yearning for in a relationship and that hasn't changed. I just want someones time, and to show an interest in me and who I am. All the rest is petty. If you have chemistry and really like each other, a lot of things will naturally be accepted. I remember my ex telling me at one point in our marriage that he really loved me because I accepted him for who he is, and that made him happy. We all want to feel good, and if we both focus on making each other feel special instead of always on what we want, we won't doom every relationship we are in. People who feel appreciated tend to appreciate others.
When most of us look for someone to date we automatically assume that we should share all the same interests and belief systems, but I don't even think that is possible. I think that's where most people don't understand the meaning of the word "settle". If you look the word up in the dictionary, to settle on something means to make an effort, accept, determine and agree, not to give up on what you want. After all variety really is the spice of life, and to not even consider stepping out of the box, and at least try to make a connection with someone you thought you wouldn't, you may be missing out on something really special and life changing. When I met my ex husband, I really didn't like him at first. I had a huge crush on one of his friends. I finally gave in and gave him a chance. It turned out to be the best thing I ever didn't want to do even if it didn't last forever.