Monday, November 7, 2016

You're so vain

When I write my blogs I do get the information that I write about from watching other people. Mostly by the people that are around me, or interact with on social media. Who else would I write about? The blog title is "Its been on my mind" after all. I mean, don't get me wrong I have experienced most of the things I write about, but in general all of us have. I stopped blogging for a while because of the angry messages I would receive from friends who thought I was blogging about them. In most cases I was, but I never used names, and I only wrote the things that really happened. I never write a blog to be mean spirited. Maybe they just didn't like the way they were perceived by me, and need to justify behavior they don't realize they are doing. I seem to offend people by writing about their actions.

I have been written about in the past by a former friend who is a blogger. He did inspire me to write. I won't mention his name, but I didn't like the way I was perceived by him either. It did get me thinking about if others perceived me the same way. Was I playing a victim to my own circumstances, or was I really a victim? Well, after some pondering I realized you can't be a victim unless you allow it, and it helped me to "own it" like he suggested in his blog. It did help me to move forward. I'm in no way saying I have all the answers when I write, but I would like to get others to think about how they are perceived. Do I think he wrote the blog about me to be mean? No. In fact I'm pretty sure he's quite fond of me, but I do think all of us need to see how the world perceives us so we can be the best people we can be.

           I actually returned the favor, and wrote a blog about him. Can you guess which one?

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