Thursday, May 14, 2015

Make it happen

I often complained about the outcome of some of the choices I have made in my life that I wasn't happy about, but never really seemed to do anything to change them. I basically accepted things as being my fate. Someone told me once that I needed to own my choices. My problem wasn't that I couldn't own them, I just never tried to make things better. I always felt like I should sacrifice my happiness for others, which made me even more miserable. You know the old saying "You made your bed now lie in it"? How long was I expected to do this, and if things were bad shouldn't I make the changes necessary to make them better?

We all make mistakes, and nothing will change that unless we are willing to change it for ourselves. We can't pray it away, we can't wish it away, and we can't hope that things will get better. We must take action. To assume we must live with the choices we have made because we are worried about what others may think of us, is just counterproductive. People talk about forgiveness all the time, but sometimes forgiving ourselves is much harder than forgiving others. I spent too many years in a rut of despair, which I know now hurt the people I love the most in my life. I should have gotten out of that situation sooner.

Now that I have finally woke up from my 5 year coma, and started to change the things that have made me unhappy, everything has just started to fall into to place. I've taken charge of my life, and I stopped looking back. I don't let others control my happiness anymore. Life is finally moving forward, and is no longer at a standstill. I am a changed person. I am now able to make better decisions, which means less drama, less confusion, and less stress. Life has become harmonious. What are you waiting for? Make it happen.


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